Palm tree planting - how does it work?

Palm tree planting - details
When palm trees are planted outside the home in the open air,it is mainly done because this noble tree lives for many decades, is resistant to temperature extremes, and can also provide the shade that is very important in southern latitudes.
As for the design, in this aspect, too, palm trees give the planted space elegance and often harmonize with classical architecture, providing a sense of calm and freedom from care.
Of course, it is ideal to plant palm trees on a large territory, but by planting only two or three trees on a very small area you can still achieve a great result in terms of aesthetics.
The first step in creating a palm ensemble is to choose a particular palm variety that meets your needs. Keep in mind that palm trees vary in size, the amount of sunlight they need in order to grow, the required temperature, the type of trunk and leaves, and other particulars.
Perfecto will help you to choose and describes below some varieties of palm trees:
- Palm "Roystonea regia” has a trunk up to 20 m in height and from 35 to 60 cm in diameter, with a gray-white surface. The crown consists of about 15 leaves with branches about 4 m long. This variety tolerates cold of up to 3°C and can grow without damage in the sunlight, but prefers partial shade.
- Palm "Phoenix dactylifera” is a date palm, with a trunk reaching from 6 to 19 meters in height, sometimes extending to 20 meters, and a diameter of about 50 centimeters. A straight, thick trunk is covered with diamond-shaped scars that occur when leaves fall. The tree forms a magnificent crown. Leaves are 5 to 6 meters long, curved, and green. This variety tolerates cold, but not below -7°C.
- Palm "Cycas revoluta” is a Japanese palm with leaves up to 180 centimeters long and a trunk up to 8 meters high, reaching 100 centimeters indiameter.It has as many as 100 or more dark green and slightly shiny leaves. It can tolerate cold up to -6°C, and requires a lot of sunlight.
- Palm "Butia capitate” is one of the world’s most cold-resistant cirrus palm trees. Its Trunk usually reaches 2–6 meters in height, with a diameter of up to 50 cm. On top of the trunk there are 18 to 32 yellow-green or gray-green leaves. The palm fructifies with yellow-orange fruits, from which a tasty jelly is made. It can tolerate temperatures below -2°C.